How to Improve your Business English Speaking Skills in 4 Easy Steps.

Speaking a language is the most important of all the language skills.. And it is the most difficult. You need to be able to listen (to the questions or responses), think about what you want to say, use the relevant vocabulary and then pronounce the words correctly!

It’s no wonder that over 90% of English learners tell me that Speaking English is the area that they need the most help with.

Expand your vocabulary!

  • Find the vocabulary that you want to use.
  • Write a list of what you would like to say.
  • What situations would you like to feel comfortable in?
  • Write the new words down, with the meaning and an example sentence
  • Review them several times a day
Word cloud of all words which are linked to vocabulary

Perfect your pronunciation! 

  • The best way to do this is by finding a native English speaking teacher. Learn from someone who already has the skills that you want. Speaking English with the correct accent is a skill that you need.
  • You can also practice mirroring… copy a person with a desirable accent exactly. When you are imitating the person, focus on tonality and speed.

Enhance your listening skills!

  • Listen to:

Radio / Music / Audio Books / Podcasts

  • Watch & Listen to:

Ted Talks ( particularly good for listening to non-native speakers talking in English) / Ted X / Ted Ed / Talks at Google / Think Big / Idea City / The Moth / RSA / Pecha Kucha / Createive Mornings

TV dramas / Sit-coms (Situation comedy) / Movies

Ensure you are actively listening – searching for useful vocabulary / phrases and making a note of these.

Speak with confidence! 

Practice makes perfect (or even better)

  • Read out loud
  • Practice speaking in front of the mirror
  • Mirroring
  • Speak to a teacher / mentor
  • Speak to others

Get a head-start by enrolling in our Speaking Business English course, which takes place in December, where we will be covering all of the key areas in detail, providing templates and printouts to help you along the way.

Come and join us

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